Welcome to SecureKeysRealty.com! We are a real estate information service connecting people in the real estate market across the United States. SecureKeysRealty.com and our subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “SecureKeysRealty”) provide you with access to a variety of services, including but not limited to the www.securekeysrealty.com website (the “Website”) and SecureKeysRealty’s mobile applications and all the products and services available through our website (collectively the “Services”). The Website is owned and operated by SecureKeys Realty LLC, a company incorporated under the laws of the United States.

Our Privacy Policy is incorporated as part of the SecureKeysRealty.com Terms of Use. Please read this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use carefully before using our Services. By using SecureKeysRealty.com’s Services, you agree to the provisions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not want to be bound by our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Services.

Why We Collect Information from You SecureKeysRealty.com is a real estate information service. To provide our Services, we use the information we collect to:

  • Help you find the most relevant information for your situation by customizing our Services to optimize your experience;
  • Keep you connected with SecureKeysRealty.com across the internet and update you with residential real estate-related news and information; and
  • Put you in touch with the right people to sell, buy, rent, or research residential real estate, obtain a mortgage, and to optimize the information we share with those parties to initiate a productive and efficient relationship.

Our goal in this policy is to be completely transparent about the data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it, in order to make finding your new home a pleasant and fun experience!

To Whom Does This Policy Apply Some parts of this Policy are directed at specific types of people. We use some special terminology to refer to them, which we define below. This Policy applies to everyone who uses our Services, but sometimes we direct parts of it toward particular groups of users.

Users: “Users” are everyone who uses our Services.

Real Estate Professionals (REPs): “Real Estate Professionals,” or “REPs” are users who have created accounts (free or paid) with us to sell or rent real estate, participate in our advertising services, and participate in other Services that we direct toward the professional real estate community. REPs include landlords, agents, developers, institutional property consultants, mortgage professionals, and subscribers. We send leads to REPs on your behalf, as described in this Policy.

What Information Do We Collect, and Where Do We Get It We Collect Some Information From All Visitors to Our Website: Like many online services, we use technologies like session and persistent cookies, web beacons, log data, and third-party analytics services to collect and analyze information about all users of our Services. This includes things like User search preferences, interaction with ads on our Website, and location.

Our servers automatically record information (“Log Data”) created by your use of the Services. Log Data may include information such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, the referring web page, pages visited, location, your mobile number, your mobile carrier, your email address, device, search terms, and cookie information. We receive Log Data when you interact with our Services, for example, when you visit our websites, sign into our Services, or interact with our email notifications. We use Log Data to provide our Services and to measure, customize, and improve them, as well as collect and use them in the aggregate. This Policy does not apply to, nor do we take any responsibility for any information that is collected by any third party either using the Website or through any links on the Website or through any of the advertisements.

We collect some personal information like name, contact details, mobile number, email address, and profile images/photos/pictures that you have provided us during the account creation/registration process or while interacting with any of our services to ensure a smoother user experience and to tailor our services to your preferences and interests.

Cookies are small data files that we transfer to your computer. We use “session” cookies to keep you logged in while you use our Services, to better understand how you interact with our Services, and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic information on our Services. We use “persistent” cookies to recognize you each time you return to our Services. For example, we create a persistent cookie that includes some basic information about you, like your most recent search and whether an agent responded to a query you sent using SecureKeysRealty.com’s Services. We use this persistent cookie to remember your preferences and, if you create an account, to make your user experience consistent after you register.

Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your settings or use third-party tools to refuse cookies or prompt you before accepting cookies from the websites you visit. You can also use your browser settings or other tools to delete cookies you already have. Please be aware that some parts of our Services may not work for you if you disable cookies.

For any questions regarding this policy or if you wish to opt out of tracking, please contact us at support@securekeysrealty.com.